tuple = QueryServiceConfig(hService)
Retrieves configuration parameters for a service
hService : PySC_HANDLE
Service handle as returned by win32service::OpenServiceReturn Value
Returns a tuple representing a QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG struct:
- [0] int : ServiceType
- Combination of SERVICE_*_DRIVER or SERVICE_*_PROCESS constants
- [1] int : StartType
- One of SERVICE_*_START constants
- [2] int : ErrorControl
- One of SERVICE_ERROR_* constants
- [3] string : BinaryPathName
- Service's binary executable, can also contain command line args
- [4] string : LoadOrderGroup
- Loading group that service is a member of
- [5] int : TagId
- Order of service within its load order group
- [6] [string,...] : Dependencies
- Sequence of names of services on which this service depends
- [7] string : ServiceStartName
- Account name under which service will run
- [8] string : DisplayName
- Name of service