Module win32ras
A module encapsulating the Windows Remote Access Service (RAS) API.
- CreatePhonebookEntry
- Creates a new phonebook entry. The function displays a dialog box
into which the user can enter information about the entry.
- Dial
- Establishes a RAS connection to a RAS server.
- EditPhonebookEntry
- Creates a new phonebook entry. The function displays a dialog box
into which the user can enter information about the entry
- EnumConnections
- Returns a list of tuples, one for each active connection.
- EnumEntries
- Returns a list of tuples, one for each phonebook entry.
- GetConnectStatus
- Returns a tuple with connection information.
- RasGetEapUserIdentity
- Retrieves identity information for the current user. Use this
information to call RasDial with a phone-book entry that requires Extensible Authentication
Protocol (EAP).
- GetEntryDialParams
- Returns a tuple with the most recently set dial parameters for the
specified entry.
- GetErrorString
- Returns an error string for a RAS error code.
- HangUp
- Terminates a remote access session.
- IsHandleValid
- Indicates if the given RAS handle is valid.
- SetEntryDialParams
- Sets the dial parameters for the specified entry.
- Creates a new RASDIALEXTENSIONS object