Module win32process
An interface to the win32 Process and Thread API's
- Creates a new STARTUPINFO object.
- beginthreadex
- Creates a new thread
- CreateRemoteThread
- creates a thread that runs in
the virtual address space of another process.
- CreateProcess
- Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process executes the specified executable file.
- CreateProcessAsUser
- Creates a new process in the context of the specified user.
- GetCurrentProcess
- Retrieves a pseudo handle for the current process.
- GetProcessVersion
- Obtains the major and minor version numbers of the system on which a specified process expects to run.
- GetCurrentProcessId
- Retrieves the process identifier of the calling process.
- GetStartupInfo
- Retrieves the contents of the STARTUPINFO structure that was specified when the calling process was created.
- GetPriorityClass
- GetExitCodeThread
- GetExitCodeProcess
- GetWindowThreadProcessId
- Retrieves the identifier of the thread and process that created the specified window.
- SetThreadPriority
- GetThreadPriority
- GetProcessPriorityBoost
- Determines if dynamic priority adjustment is enabled for a process
- SetProcessPriorityBoost
- Enables or disables dynamic priority adjustment for a process
- GetThreadPriorityBoost
- Determines if dynamic priority adjustment is enabled for a thread
- SetThreadPriorityBoost
- Enables or disables dynamic priority adjustment for a thread
- GetThreadIOPendingFlag
- Determines if thread has any outstanding IO requests
- GetThreadTimes
- Returns a thread's time statistics
- GetProcessId
- Returns the Pid for a process handle
- SetPriorityClass
- AttachThreadInput
- Attaches or detaches the input of two threads
- SetThreadIdealProcessor
- Used to specify a preferred processor for a thread. The system schedules threads on their preferred processors whenever possible.
- GetProcessAffinityMask
- Gets a processor affinity mask for a specified process
- SetProcessAffinityMask
- Sets a processor affinity mask for a specified process.
- SetThreadAffinityMask
- Sets a processor affinity mask for a specified thread.
- SuspendThread
- Suspends the specified thread.
- ResumeThread
- Resumes the specified thread. When the suspend count is decremented to zero, the execution of the thread is resumed.
- TerminateProcess
- Terminates the specified process and all of its threads.
- ExitProcess
- Ends a process and all its threads
- EnumProcesses
- Returns Pids for currently running processes
- EnumProcessModules
- Lists loaded modules for a process handle
- EnumProcessModulesEx
- Lists 32 or 64-bit modules load by a process
- GetModuleFileNameEx
- Return name of module loaded by another process (uses process handle, not pid)
- GetProcessMemoryInfo
- Returns process memory statistics as a dict representing a PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS struct
- GetProcessTimes
- Retrieve time statics for a process by handle. (KernelTime and UserTime in 100 nanosecond units)
- GetProcessIoCounters
- Return I/O statistics for a process as a dictionary representing an IO_COUNTERS struct.
- GetProcessWindowStation
- Returns a handle to the window station for the calling process
- GetProcessWorkingSetSize
- Returns min and max working set sizes for a process by handle
- SetProcessWorkingSetSize
- Sets minimum and maximum working set sizes for a process
- GetProcessShutdownParameters
- Retrieves shutdown priority and flags for current process
- SetProcessShutdownParameters
- Sets shutdown priority and flags for current process
- GetGuiResources
- Returns the number of GDI or user object handles held by a process
- IsWow64Process
- Determines whether the specified process is running under WOW64.
- VirtualAllocEx
- VirtualFreeEx
- ReadProcessMemory
- WriteProcessMemory