Module win32pdh
A module, encapsulating the Windows Performance Data Helpers API
- AddCounter
- Adds a new counter
- AddEnglishCounter
- Adds a counter to a query by its English name
- RemoveCounter
- Removes an open counter.
- EnumObjectItems
- Enumerates an object's items
- EnumObjects
- Enumerates objects
- OpenQuery
- Opens a new query
- CloseQuery
- Closes an open query.
- MakeCounterPath
- Makes a fully resolved counter path
- GetCounterInfo
- Retrieves information about a counter, such as
data size, counter type, path, and user-supplied data values.
- GetFormattedCounterValue
- Retrieves a formatted counter value
- GetFormattedCounterValueArray
- Retrieves an array of formatted counter values
- CollectQueryData
- Collects the current raw data value for all counters in the specified query and
updates the status code of each counter.
- ValidatePath
- Validates that the specified counter is present on the
machine specified in the counter path.
- ExpandCounterPath
- Examines the specified machine (or local machine if none is specified) for
counters and instances of counters that match the wild card strings in the counter path.
- ParseCounterPath
- Parses the elements of the counter path.
- ParseInstanceName
- Parses the elements of the instance name
- SetCounterScaleFactor
- Sets the scale factor that is applied to the calculated value of the
specified counter when you request the formatted counter value.
- BrowseCounters
- Displays the counter browsing dialog box so that the user
can select the counters to be returned to the caller.
- ConnectMachine
- connects to the specified machine, and creates
and initializes a machine entry in the PDH DLL.
- LookupPerfIndexByName
- Returns the counter index corresponding to the specified counter name.
- LookupPerfNameByIndex
- Returns the performance object name corresponding to the specified index.