
list = FindFilesW(FileName, Transaction )

Retrieves a list of matching filenames, using the Windows Unicode API. An interface to the API FindFirstFileW/FindNextFileW/Find close functions.


FileName : string

A string that specifies a valid directory or path and filename, which can contain wildcard characters (* and ?).

Transaction=None : PyHANDLE

Transaction handle as returned by win32transaction::CreateTransaction. Can be None. If this parameter is not None, FindFirstFileTransacted will be called to perform a transacted search


Accepts keyword args.

FindFirstFileTransacted will be called if a transaction handle is passed in.

Win32 API References

Search for FindFirstFile at msdn, google or google groups.

Search for FindFirstFileTransacted at msdn, google or google groups.

Search for FindNextFile at msdn, google or google groups.

Search for FindClose at msdn, google or google groups.

Return Value

The return value is a list of WIN32_FIND_DATA tuples.