string = FILEGROUPDESCRIPTORAsString(descriptors, make_unicode
Creates a FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR from a sequence of mapping objects,
each with FILEDESCRIPTOR attributes
descriptors : [FILEDESCRIPTOR, ...]
A sequence of FILEDESCRIPTOR objects.
Each filedescriptor object must be a mapping/dictionary, with the following
optional attributes: dwFlags, clsid, sizel, pointl, dwFileAttributes,
ftCreationTime, ftLastAccessTime, ftLastWriteTime, nFileSize
If these attributes do not exist, or are None, they will be ignored - hence
you only need specify attributes you care about.
In general, you can omit dwFlags - it will be set correctly based
on what other attributes exist.make_unicode=True : bool
If true, a FILEDESCRIPTORW object is created