ADSI, Exchange, and Python |
Python's adsi access works really well with Exchange (late or early binding since you can read microsoft's type library). To get started, you will need to download adsi from microsoft: Microsoft ADSI. Microsoft has documentation for using languages other than python in the sdk.
Before doing anything else you need to go through the next two steps:
Task | Description |
Create Global Providers Object | adsi = win32com.client.Dispatch('ADsNameSpaces') |
Create LDAP Provider Object | ldap = adsi.getobject("","LDAP:") |
Task | Description |
Specify Login and Domain | logon_ex='cn=wilma, dc=bedrock' |
Specify password | password='dino' |
Login to Server | myDSObject = ldap.OpenDSObject(ex_path,logon_ex,password,0) |
The ex_path in the above example specifies the resource you are trying to access. For example:
Task | Description |
Specific User | ex_path="LDAP://server/cn=fredflintsone,cn=Recipients,ou=rubble,o=bedrock" |
Mailing List | ex_path="LDAP://server/cn=bedrock,cn=Recipients,ou=rubble,o=bedrock" |
All Recipients | ex_path="LDAP://server/cn=Recipients,ou=rubble,o=bedrock" |
# Adding a new account to exchange is simple except for one thing.
# You need to associate an NT account with an exchange account.
# To do so at this point requires some c++ to produce some hex SID
# and trustee information that adsi can use.
# At this point assume we have C++ magic
# Note we are accessing Recipients directly now
myDSObject = ldap.OpenDSObject(ex_path,logon_ex,password,0)
newobj = myDSObject.create("OrganizationalPerson", "cn=betty")
newobj.put('MailPreferenceOption', 0)
# etc . . . add whatever else you want. There are a few required fields.
# Now the part to get exchange associated with NT
# The Magic is here
import win32pipe
assoc_nt=win32pipe.popen('getsid bedrock\\fredflint')
nt_security=win32pipe.popen('gettrustee bedrock\\fredflint')
myDSObject = ldap.OpenDSObject(ex_path,logon_ex,password,0)
# To access a user's data try:
attribute = myDSObject.Get('Extension-Attribute-1')
print attribute
# To modify a user try:
myDSObject.Put('Extension-Attribute-1','barney was here')
Note -- To make any changes permanent setinfo is required.
#Here we connect to Recipients and then
#delete a user
#This is a more complete example.
#data is a dictionary that contains info
#that may be dynamic like the domain,
#admin login, or exchange server
#notice I am using a try/except clause here
#to catch any exceptions
#ADSI here
# Create the Global Providers object
logon_ex='cn='+data['NT_admin']+', dc='+data['NT_domain']+',cn=admin'
adsi = win32com.client.Dispatch('ADsNameSpaces')
# Now get the LDAP Provider object
ldap = adsi.getobject("","LDAP:")
dsobj = ldap.OpenDSObject(ex_list_path,logon_ex,data['NT_password'],0);
dsobj.Delete("OrganizationalPerson", "cn="+login)
print 'Error deleting '+login, sys.exc_type , sys.exc_value
Adding to a distribution list
# I used putex instead of put because it has more options # The '3' value means append. The SDK has specific info on it ex_list_path="LDAP://"+server+"/cn="+list+",cn=Recipients,ou="+ou+",o="+o dsobj = ldap.OpenDSObject(ex_list_path,logon_ex,password,0); dsobj.Getinfo() list_member='cn='+user+',cn=Recipients,ou='+ou+',o='+o append_list=[list_member] dsobj.putEx(3,'Member',append_list); dsobj.SetInfo()
Recursively listing all unique members of a distribution list
#This function looks for all Organizational persons to add to a dictionary #If it gets a groupOfNames, it needs to parse that and call the function again #to get the members of the groupOfNames def getmembers(path=''): user_dict={} logon_ex='cn=fred, dc=bedrock' password='dino' server='flintstone' ldap = win32com.client.Dispatch('ADsNameSpaces').getobject("","LDAP:") dsobj = ldap.OpenDSObject(path,logon_ex,password,0) dsobj.Getinfo() if dsobj.Class=='organizationalPerson': user_dict[string.capitalize(]=dsobj.uid elif dsobj.Class=='groupOfNames': for i in dsobj.Members(): if i.Class=='organizationalPerson': user_dict[string.capitalize(]=i.uid elif type(i.member)==types.TupleType: for j in i.member: newpath='LDAP://'+server+'/'+j getmembers(newpath) elif type(i.member)==types.StringType: newpath='LDAP://'+server+'/'+i.member getmembers(newpath) elif dsobj.Class=='Remote-Address': User_dict[string.capitalize(]=dsobj.uid elif dsobj.Class=='Public-Folder': pass else: print 'skipped',dsobj.Class,dsobj.uid return user_dict
In Conclusion
Microsoft's ADSI allows one to manage exchange w/out having to resort to the lower-level APIs. Python has no trouble accessing Microsoft's ADSI to help simplify user management.
Further Info
ADSI, Exchange, and Python |