Notable changes in recent builds. Maintained by hand, so what's "notable" is subjective! Contributors are encouraged to add entries for their work. All changes can be found via git - eg, for all changes afer a build: git log -rb3xx: or As of build 305, installation .exe files have been deprecated; see Coming in build 306, as yet unreleased -------------------------------------- * Add GetSystemPowerStatus (#2010, @CristiFati) * Add CascadeWindows (#1999, @CristiFati) * Add win32gui.ResetDC * Fix leak in win32pdh.GetFormattedCounterArray * Fix IIS on later python versions (#2025) * Fix for service registration code updated in build 305 (#1985) * Support for Python 3.6 was dropped, support for later versions was improved. Build 305, released 2022-11-06 ------------------------------ * Installation .exe files were deprecated. * @kxrob put a lot of work towards removing use of the deprecated Unicode API so we can build on Python 3.12. This should be largely invisible, but please report any unintended consequences. * odbc: Handle `varchar(max)`/`nvarchar(max)` column sizes (#1954) * win32api.GetTickCount() now returns an unsigned 64bit integer (@kxrob, #1946) * win32pipe.GetNamedPipeHandleState() now takes a 3rd optional param indicating whether the username should be returned, and related constants added. (@kxrob, #1946) * Add win32gui.GetTopWindow() and win32gui.GetAncestor() (#1928, @CristiFati) * Tweaks to how pywintypes searches for DLLs to better support virtualenvs created with --system-site-packages. (@saaketp, #1933) * Added win32event.CreateWaitableTimerExW (#1945, @zariiii9003) * Changes in PARAM handling. Some functions which returned a WPARAM or LPARAM allowed you to return a pointer to a Python buffer object or a PyUnicode. These functions now only accept a Python long to be returned. Note that this DOES NOT apply to functions with accept WPARAM or LPARAM as arguments, only when they are being returned. Impacted functions are `OnNotify` handler, LV_ITEM/TV_ITEM objects, PyIContextMenu3::HandleMenuMsg2, and the result of a WNDPROC/DLGPROC (#1927). * service registration had an overhaul, avoiding a complicated, and ultimately unnecessary "single globally registered service runner" concept. Now, when registering a service, the host pythonservice.exe runner will be copied to `sys.exec_prefix`, along with possibly `pywintypesXX.dll` and run from there. (#1908) * Dropped support for allowing a bytes object to be passed where a COM BSTR is expected - this support was accidental on the path from 2.x->3.x. * win32crypt's PyCERTSTORE.CertCloseStore()'s `Flags` argument has been deprecated as it is likely to crash the process if `CERT_CLOSE_STORE_FORCE_FLAG` is specified. The underlying function is now always called with `CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG`, and support for this param will be dropped at some point in the future. * Fix a bug where win32crypt.CryptQueryObject() would return a PyCTL_CONTEXT object instead of a PyCERT_CONTEXT for base64 encoded certificates (#1859) * win32crypt.CryptQueryObject() is now able to return PyCTL_CONTEXT objects. This is technically a breaking change as previously it would return the address in memory of the object, but this address wasn't practically usable, so it's very unlikely anyone relied on this behavior. (#1859) Build 304, released 2022-05-02 ------------------------------ * Fixed Unicode issues in the `dde` module (#1861, @markuskimius ) * Add `PRINTER_INFO_6` support for Set/GetPrinter (#1853, @CristiFati) * Fixed codepage/mojibake issues when non-ascii characters were included in COM exceptions raised by Python apps. This should be invisible, but might break any workarounds which were used, such as using specific encodings in these strings. (#1823, #1833) * Fixed a bug triggering `win32print.SetJob` to fail due to data type (`char*` / `wchar_t*`) mismatch (#1849, @CristiFati) * Fix eventlog initialization (#1845, #1846, @kxrob) Build 303, released 2021-12-20 ------------------------------ * Tweaks to how DLLs are loaded and our installation found, which should improve virtualenv support and version mismatch issues (#1787, #1794) * Fixed a bug where `win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()` may have returned extra data. * Binary installers for 32-bit 3.10+ are no longer released (#1805) Build 302, released 2021-10-11 ------------------------------ * Fixed support for unicode as a `win32crypt.CREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTE.Value` * Support for Python 3.10, dropped support for Python 3.5 (3.5 security support ended 13 Sep 2020) * Merged win2kras into win32ras. In the unlikely case that anyone is still using win2kras, there is a that imports all of win32ras. If you import win2kras and it fails with 'you must import win32ras first', then it means an old win2kras.pyd exists, which you should remove. * github branch 'master' was renamed to 'main'. Build 301, released 2021-05-30 ------------------------------ * Fix some confusion on how dynamic COM object properties work. The old code was confused, so there's a chance there will be some subtle regression here - please open a bug if you find anything, but this should fix #1427. * COM objects are now registered with the full path to pythoncomXX.dll, fixes #1704. * Creating a `win32crypt.CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE` object now correctly sets `cbData`. * Add wrap and unwrap operations defined in the GSSAPI to the sspi module and enhance the examples given in this module. (#1692, Emmanuel Coirier) * Fix a bug in `win32profile.GetEnvironmentStrings()` relating to environment variables with an equals sign (@maxim-krikun in #1661) * Fixed a bug where certain COM dates would fail to be converted to a Python datetime object with `ValueError: microsecond must be in 0..999999`. Shoutout to @hujiaxing for reporting and helping reproduce the issue (#1655) * Added and related constants. * CoClass objects should work better with special methods like __len__ etc. (#1699) * Shifted work in win32.lib.pywin32_bootstrap to Python's import system from manual path manipulations (@wkschwartz in #1651) * Fixed a bug where win32print.DeviceCapabilities would return strings containing the null character followed by junk characters. (#1654, #1660, Lincoln Puzey) Build 300, released 2020-11-14 ------------------------------ * Fixed a bug where win32com.client.VARIANT params were returned in the reverse order. This only happened when win32com.client.VARIANT was explicitly used (ie, not when normal params were passed) For example: ```python arg1 = VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_R4 | pythoncom.VT_BYREF, 2.0) arg2 = VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_BOOL | pythoncom.VT_BYREF, True) object.SomeFunction(arg1, arg2) ``` after this call, `arg1.value` was actually the value for `arg2`, and vice-versa (#1303, #622). * Fixed a bug that Pythonwin had an empty `sys.argv` (@kxrob in #1607) * Fixed a bug that prevented win32process.ReadProcessMemory() from working in all scenarios (#1599) * Changed how Services implemented with win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework report that they have stopped. Now if the SvcRun() method (or the SvcDoRun() method, which is called by SvcRun() by default) raises on Exception, the Service will report a final SERVICE_STOPPED status with a non-zero error code. This will cause the Service's recovery actions to be triggered if the Service has the "Enable actions for stops with errors" option enabled. (#1563, Lincoln Puzey) * adodbapi connect() method now accepts a "mode" keyword argument which is the "Mode" property to set on the ADO "Connection" object before opening the Connection. See "ConnectModeEnum" for valid values. (Lincoln Puzey) * The Windows 10 SDK is now used to build the project. This shouldn't cause any visible changes, but should make it much easier to build the project yourself. Python 2 is no longer supported - so long, Python 2, you served us well! Notable changes in this transition: * Python 3 builds used to erroneously turn "bytes" into a tuple of integers instead of a buffer type object. Because this special-casing is important for performance when using massive buffers, this has been fixed in Python 3 so it matches the old Python 2 behavior. If you use arrays of VT_UI1 and expect get back tuples of integers, your code may break. * Pythonwin's default encoding is now utf-8 (#1559) * The build environment has been greatly simplified - you just need Visual Studio and a Windows 10 SDK. (The free compilers probably work too, but haven't been tested - let me know your experiences!) Previous -------- Build 228 (2020-06-13) was the last to support Python 2.0. Older entries are periodically removed - see the git history of this file for them.