Module exchange
A COM interface to Exchange's API
- HrGetExchangeStatus
- Obtains the current state of the server on a computer.
- HrGetMailboxDN
- Retrieves the distinguished name (DN) for a mailbox
- HrGetServerDN
- Retrieves the distinguished name (DN) for a server
- HrMAPIFindDefaultMsgStore
- Retrieves the entry identifier of the default information store.
- HrMAPIFindIPMSubtree
- Retrieves the entry ID of the IPM (interpersonal message) subtree folder
- HrMAPIFindInbox
- Retrieves the Entry ID of the IPM inbox folder
- HrMAPIFindSubfolderEx
- Retrieves a subfolder in an information store using the hierarchical path name of the folder.
- HrMAPIFindFolder
- Retrieves the entry ID for a folder in an information store using the hierarchical path name of the folder.
- HrMAPIFindFolderEx
- Retrieves the entry ID of a folder in an information store using the hierarchical path name of the folder.
- HrMAPIFindStore
- Retrieves a pointer to the entry identifier of an information store from the display name of the store.
- HrCreateProfileName
- Creates a profile with the specified name
- HrCreateDirEntryIdEx
- Creates a directory identifier for a MAPI object, given the address of the object in the directory
- HrFindExchangeGlobalAddressList
- Retrieves the entry identifier of the global address list (GAL) container in the address book.
- HrMailboxLogon
- Logs on a server and mailbox.
- HrMailboxLogoff
- Logs off a server and mailbox.
- HrMAPIOpenFolderEx
- Opens a folder in the information store from the hierarchical path name of the folder.
- HrMAPISetPropBoolean
- Sets a boolean property.
- HrMAPISetPropLong
- Sets a long property.
- HrOpenExchangePublicStore
- Retrieves an interface to the public information store provider.
- HrOpenExchangePrivateStore
- Locates the primary user information store provider.
- HrOpenExchangePublicFolders
- Opens the root of the public folder hierarchy in the public information store.
- HrOpenSessionObject
- Retrieves a MAPI PyIMAPIProp object for the current session object.
- HrOpenSiteContainer
- Retrieves a MAPI PyIMAPIProp object for a site object.
- HrOpenSiteContainerAddressing
- Retrieves a MAPI PyIMAPIProp object for a site-addressing object.