A tuple representing a STATSTG structure


[0] string : name

The name of the storage object

[1] int : type

Indicates the type of storage object. This is one of the values from the storagecon.STGTY_* values.


Specifies the size in bytes of the stream or byte array.

[3] PyDateTime : modificationTime

Indicates the last modification time for this storage, stream, or byte array.

[4] PyDateTime : creationTime

Indicates the creation time for this storage, stream, or byte array.

[5] PyDateTime : accessTime

Indicates the last access time for this storage, stream or byte array.

[6] int : mode

Indicates the access mode specified when the object was opened. This member is only valid in calls to Stat methods.

[7] int : locksSupported

Indicates the types of region locking supported by the stream or byte array. See the storagecon.LOCKTYPES_* constants for the values available. This member is not used for storage objects.

[8] PyIID : clsid

Indicates the class identifier for the storage object; set to CLSID_NULL for new storage objects. This member is not used for streams or byte arrays.

[9] int : stateBits

Indicates the current state bits of the storage object, that is, the value most recently set by the PyIStorage::SetStateBits method. This member is not valid for streams or byte arrays.

[10] int : storageFormat

Indicates the format of the storage object. This is one of the values from the STGFMT_* constants. In some Win32 API documentation, this member is known as 'reserved'