A Python object, representing an overlapped structure


Typically you create a PyOVERLAPPED object, and set its hEvent property. The object can then be passed to any function which takes an OVERLAPPED object, and the object attributes will be automatically updated.


integer Offset
Specifies a file position at which to start the transfer. The file position is a byte offset from the start of the file. The calling process sets this member before calling the ReadFile or WriteFile function. This member is ignored when reading from or writing to named pipes and communications devices.

integer OffsetHigh
Specifies the high word of the byte offset at which to start the transfer.

object object
Any python object that you want to attach to your overlapped I/O request.

int dword
An integer buffer that may be used by overlapped functions (eg, win32file::WaitCommEvent)

Identifies an event set to the signaled state when the transfer has been completed. The calling process sets this member before calling the win32file::ReadFile, win32file::WriteFile, win32pipe::ConnectNamedPipe, or win32pipe::TransactNamedPipe function.

integer Internal
Reserved for operating system use. (pointer-sized value)

integer InternalHigh
Reserved for operating system use. (pointer-sized value)