PyITransferSource Object
Implemented by shell folders that can act as the source of shell item operations
- Advise
- Connects an advise sink to receive notifications
- Unadvise
- Disconnects an event sink
- SetProperties
- Specifies changes to be applied to items' properties
- OpenItem
- Initiates the copying of an item
- MoveItem
- Moves a shell item into another folder
- RecycleItem
- Moves an item to the recycle bin
- RemoveItem
- Deletes an item without recycling
- RenameItem
- Renames a shell item
- LinkItem
- Not implemented, according to MSDN
- ApplyPropertiesToItem
- Changes an item's properties as specified by PyITransferSource::SetProperties
- GetDefaultDestinationName
- Determines the name of an item as it would appear in a given folder
- EnterFolder
- Informs the copy engine that a folder will be the target of a file operation
- LeaveFolder
- Informs the copy engine that the operation on a destination folder is finished