
int, PyIUnknown = GetUIObjectOf(hwndOwner, pidl , riid , Reserved , iidout )

Creates an interface to one or more items in a shell folder


hwndOwner : PyHANDLE

Specifies a window in which to display any required dialogs or errors, can be 0

pidl : (PyIDL,...)

A sequence of single-level pidls identifying items in the folder

riid : PyIID

The interface to create, one of IID_IContextMenu, IID_IContextMenu2, IID_IDataObject, IID_IDropTarget, IID_IExtractIcon, IID_IQueryInfo

Reserved=0 : int

Reserved, use 0 if passed in

iidout=riid : PyIID

The interface to return. Can be used in the case where there is not a python wrapper for the desired interface. You must make certain that the interface identified by riid actually supports the iidout interface, or Bad Things Will Happen. It should always be safe to return PyIUnknown, which is the base for all interfaces.

Return Value

Returns the Reserved parameter and the requested interface