PyIPersistStorage Object
A Python wrapper of a COM IPersistStorage interface.
The IPersistStorage interface defines methods that enable a container application to pass a storage object to
one of its contained objects and to load and save the storage object. This interface supports the structured storage
model, in which each contained object has its own storage that is nested within the container's storage.
- IsDirty
- Checks the object for changes since it was last saved.
- InitNew
- Initializes a new object, providing a storage object to be used for the object.
- Load
- Loads an object from its existing storage.
- Save
- Saves an object, and any nested objects that it contains, into the specified storage.
- SaveCompleted
- Notifies the object that it can revert from NoScribble or HandsOff mode.
- HandsOffStorage
- Instructs the object to release all storage objects that have been passed to it by
its container and to enter HandsOff mode.
Based On