PyIDataObject Object
Used to transfer data in various formats throughout the shell
Can be enumerated to return a series of PyFORMATETC describing the formats
that the object can render.
- GetData
- Retrieves data from the object in specified format
- GetDataHere
- Returns a copy of the object's data in specified format
- QueryGetData
- Checks if the object supports returning data in a particular format
- GetCanonicalFormatEtc
- Transforms a FORMATECT data description into a general format that the object
- SetData
- Sets the data that the object will return.
- EnumFormatEtc
- Returns an enumerator to list the data formats that the object supports.
- DAdvise
- Connects the object to an interface that will receive notifications when its data changes
- DUnadvise
- Disconnects a notification sink.
- EnumDAdvise
- Creates an enumerator to list connected notification sinks.