A Python object, representing an HH_WINTYPE structure
Typically you create a PyHH_WINTYPE (via win32help::HH_WINTYPE)
object, and set its properties.
The object can then be passed to any function which takes an HH_WINTYPE
Use this structure to specify or modify the attributes of a window type.
Window types can be defined by an author in a project (.hhp) file, or they
can be defined programmatically using the HTML Help API.
When a HH_WINTYPE structure is passed to HtmlHelp() using the
command, the HTML Help API makes a private copy of the
contents of the structure. The help developer is therefore responsible for
freeing memory used by the HH_WINTYPE structure or character arrays
within it. The help developer can free memory after calling
Used by
- int uniCodeStrings
- Specifies whether the strings used in this
structure are UNICODE.
- int validMembers
- Specifies which members in the structure are valid.
- int winProperties
- Specifies the properties of the window, such as
whether it is the standard HTML Help Viewer or whether it includes a
Search tab.
- int styles
- Specifies the styles used to create the window. These
styles can be ignored, combined with extended styles, or used exclusively
depending on the value of the validMembers and winProperties parameters.
- int exStyles
- Specifies the extended styles used to create the
window. These styles can be ignored, combined with default styles, or used
exclusively depending on the value of the validMembers and winProperties
- int showState
- Specifies the initial display state of the window.
Valid values are the same as those for the Win32 API ShowWindow function.
- int hwndHelp
- Specifies the handle of the window if the window has
been created.
- int hwndCaller
- Specifies the window that will receive HTML Help
notification messages. Notification messages are sent via Windows
WM_NOTIFY messages.
- int hwndToolBar
- Specifies the handle of the toolbar.
- int hwndNavigation
- Specifies the handle of the Navigation pane.
- int hwndHTML
- Specifies the handle of the Topic pane, which hosts
- int navWidth
- Specifies the width of the Navigation pane when the
Help Viewer is expanded.
- int toolBarFlags
- Specifies which buttons to include on the toolbar.
- int notExpanded
- Specifies that the Help Viewer open with the
Navigation pane closed.
- int curNavType
- Specifies the default tab to display on the
Navigation pane.
- int idNotify
- Specifies a non-zero ID for enabling HTML Help
notification messages. This ID is passed as the wParam value of Windows
WM_NOTIFY messages.
- string typeName
- A null-terminated string that specifies the name
of the window type.
- string caption
- A null-terminated string that specifies the caption
to display in the title bar of the window.
- tuple windowPos
- (left,top,right,bottom). Specifies the coordinates
of the window in pixels.
- tuple HTMLPos
- (left,top,right,bottom). Specifies the coordinates
of the Topic pane.
- string toc
- Specifies the contents (.hhc) file to display in the
Navigation pane.
- string index
- Specifies the index (.hhk) file to display in the
Navigation pane.
- string file
- Specifies the default HTML file to display in the
Topic pane.
- string home
- Specifies the file or URL to display in the Topic pane
when the Home button is clicked.
- string jump1
- Specifies the text to display underneath the Jump1
- string jump2
- Specifies the text to display underneath the Jump2
- string urlJump1
- Specifies the URL to jump to when the Jump1 button
is clicked.
- string urlJump2
- Specifies the URL to jump to when the Jump2 button
is clicked.