PyCTreeCtrl Object
A class which encapsulates an MFC CTreeCtrl object. Derived from a PyCWnd object.
- CreateWindow
- Creates the actual window for the object.
- GetCount
- Retrieves the number of tree items associated with a tree view control.
- GetIndent
- Retrieves the offset (in pixels) of a tree view item from its parent.
- SetIndent
- Sets the offset (in pixels) of a tree view item from its parent.
- GetImageList
- Retrieves the current image list.
- SetImageList
- Assigns an image list to a list view control.
- GetNextItem
- Retrieves the next item.
- ItemHasChildren
- Returns nonzero if the specified item has child items.
- GetChildItem
- Retrieves the child item of the specified tree view item.
- GetNextSiblingItem
- Retrieves the next sibling of the specified tree view item.
- GetPrevSiblingItem
- Retrieves the previous sibling of the specified tree view item.
- GetParentItem
- Retrieves the parent item of the specified tree view item.
- GetFirstVisibleItem
- Retrieves the first visible item of the specified tree view item.
- GetNextVisibleItem
- Retrieves the next visible item of the specified tree view item.
- GetNextVisibleItem
- Retrieves the previous visible item of the specified tree view item.
- GetSelectedItem
- Retrieves the currently selected tree view item.
- GetDropHilightItem
- Retrieves the target of a drag-and-drop operation.
- GetRootItem
- Retrieves the root of the specified tree view item.
- GetToolTips
- Returns the tooltip control
- GetItem
- Retrieves the details of an items attributes.
- SetItem
- Sets some of all of an items attributes.
- GetItemState
- Retrieves the state of an item.
- SetItemState
- Sets the state of an item.
- GetItemImage
- Retrieves the index of an items images.
- SetItemImage
- Sets the index of an items images.
- SetItemText
- Changes the text of a list view item or subitem.
- GetItemText
- Retrieves the text of a list view item or subitem.
- GetItemData
- Retrieves the application-specific value associated with an item.
- SetItemData
- Sets the item's application-specific value
- GetItemRect
- Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a tree view item.
- GetEditControl
- Retrieves the handle of the edit control used to edit the specified tree view item.
- GetVisibleCount
- Retrieves the number of visible tree items associated with a tree view control.
- InsertItem
- Inserts an item into the list.
- DeleteItem
- Deletes an item from the list.
- DeleteAllItems
- Deletes all items from the list.
- Expand
- Expands, or collapses, the child items of the specified tree view item.
- Select
- Selects, scrolls into view, or redraws a specified tree view item.
- SelectItem
- Selects a specified tree view item.
- SelectDropTarget
- Redraws the tree item as the target of a drag-and-drop operation.
- SelectSetFirstVisible
- Selects a specified tree view item as the first visible item.
- EditLabel
- Edits a specified tree view item in-place.
- CreateDragImage
- Creates a dragging bitmap for the specified tree view item.
- SortChildren
- Sorts the children of a given parent item.
- EnsureVisible
- Ensures that a tree view item is visible in its tree view control.
- HitTest
- Determines which tree view item, if any, is at a specified position.
Sam Rushing has found the following tidbits:
You can implement dynamic collapsing and expanding of events for large
collections yourself - see KB Q130697
The MFC docs tell you to use TVE_COLLAPSERESET in order to
throw away the child items when collapsing a node. They neglect to
tell you a very important tidbit: that you need to combine the flag
with TVE_COLLAPSE. This is pointed out in the docs for
TreeView_Expand(), but not in those for CTreeCtrl::Expand.