PyCDockContext Object
A class which encapsulates an MFC CDockContext object
- EndDrag
- StartDrag
- EndResize
- StartResize
- ToggleDocking
- x,y ptLast
- left, top, right, bottom rectLast
- cx, cy sizeLast
- int bDitherLast
- left, top, right, bottom rectDragHorz
- left, top, right, bottom rectDragVert
- left, top, right, bottom rectFrameDragHorz
- left, top, right, bottom rectFrameDragVert
- int dwDockStyle
- allowable dock styles for bar
- int dwOverDockStyle
- style of dock that rect is over
- int dwStyle
- style of control bar
- int bFlip
- if shift key is down
- int bForceFrame
- if ctrl key is down
CDC* m_pDC; // where to draw during drag
- int bDragging
- int nHitTest
- int uMRUDockID
- left, top, right, bottom rectMRUDockPos
- int dwMRUFloatStyle
- x,y ptMRUFloatPos
- Sentinel